
fanfic author, music nerd, and content creator

example art

please note that this may not include the most recent works due to unpublicized zine content

example writing

about me

my username on basically everything is kyaurum (or some variation of it)
but you can call me aurum, or felix!

for fandoms, i create:

- short fiction / one shots
- multichapter works
- drabbles
- poetry
- character art

with original content, i create:

- flash fiction
- longer stories
- novel planning (and full-length novels, hopefully!)
- poetry
- character art
- still life
- landscape art
- mixed media
- lyrics / melodies
- memes (lol)

i love creating all sorts of content, from reimagining stories that are already out there to creating my own. i always want to be able to spread my voice and have my ideas out in the open. i hope that by sharing my creations, someone enjoys it, and the world becomes a better place.

“i have fallen in love with the imagination. and if you fall in love with the imagination, you understand that it is a free spirit. it will go anywhere and it can do anything.” – alice walker"surround yourself with people who make you happy. people who make you laugh, who help you when you’re in need. people who genuinely care. they are the ones worth keeping in your life. everyone else is just passing through." – karl marx

zine experience

sandwich zine (original)writerreleased - free download
no bait, just queer (multi-fandom)merch and page artistcompleted
storyboard (original comics)writerreleased - free download
tonitrus bolts (sxf angst zine)head modreleased - free download
yippee (tbh creature zine)merch artistreleased - free download
worlds connected (oc fashion zine)writerformatting period
coffee jelly (saiki k zine)intern modformatting period
wisteria blossoms (shinobu/mitsuri zine)head and writing modcontributor apps - carrd
.zines: magic bookpage artistformatting period
lost in nostalgia (90s cartoons zine)writercreation period

(and more in the future!)


thank you for reaching out!